This is why I'm not a Republican. Holy hell they suck.
These dipshits just re-elected John "Douchebag" Boehner as Speaker Of The House. A man who has bent over EVERY SINGLE TIME Obama barked at him and showed his leather cheerio. Obama got exactly what he wanted and the slobbering masses are all clapping like circus seals, even though they just got fisted.
What was missing from the "Fiscal Cliff" deal that no one has said dick about?
No, not the tax rate increase on those making over $250k. Believe me, it's still coming. Barry can only pat his head or rub his stomach, he can't do both without looking like a total assclown.
No, not any spending cuts. They were never going to be in there; neither Republicans nor Democrats in Congress want to stop spending. There's a handful of them who do and they're demonized every time they try to bring it up.
No, not any fixes to the abominations called Social Security and Medicare. These Ponzi schemes will continue to hemorrhage money. But, the answer is close.
It's called the Payroll Tax and it's back in style. You see, back in 2011, the fucktards in government decided to reduce the amount withheld from your paycheck that went into Social Security and Medicare. They wouldn't reduce the payouts, oh heavens no, but they'd take less from you right now. So you saw a little more in your paycheck. Sort of like those government checks Bush sent out in the early 2000's. Supposed to stimulate things by getting the sheeple to buy more shit. And again like Bush, it didn't do jack. Well, nowhere in any of the debates on this shitstorm were there talks about keeping these rates low. So thanks to His Holiness King Barry I, everyone who pays Payroll Taxes just took it in the ass because these rates went up. Again, shining moment for the Republicans to take the stage and expose the hypocrisy, but they cowered in the corner and whimpered. Asswipes.
See, I tried being a Republican. I signed up to the party for 1 year when we first moved to NC. There were some people running for office down here that I believed in and decided to try and show support by joining the party. Bad idea
First issue: They SPAM the shit out of you. You think you'll just get email on party activities, but they send you the campaign crap for every candidate in the area, passing on your address to these clods.
Second: They back the stupidest people. Okay, I know, Obama, Kerry, and Gore are shining examples of steamed shit on a stick, but Bush, McCain and Romney? Really? Really?!?! Fucking hell. I knew what I signed up for with the Bush and McCain shit, but then I saw Romney coming, the party here backed Richard Burr who talked the talk but once he got back to Washington, he but on his jackass suit and proved he's nothing but a corporatist.
Third: They are so disorganized. I somehow got signed up as a delegate for my county for the state party's convention. I didn't volunteer, I got signed up. Nice, huh? Anyhow, I won't go into the specifics of how the rest of that fiasco played out, because that'd narrow some things down, but this fuck up lead to me leaving the party.
I think I've always been a republican. Small [r] is intentional. I may have had a brief period where I thought the "greater good" was something grand, but I was always thinking small, like my state. I didn't care what people in California did or how they ran their government or their lives; I wanted things in my state to be different and done the way we wanted it. That's what a republic is. If your state wants to allow gay marriage or people to own machine guns or free market school systems or whatever, then as long as your state constitution allows for it, have fun.
Some waste of chromosomes who calls himself a constitution law professor recently said our current problems are all related to our attempt to adhere to this archaic document and if we just gave it up, we could fix it all. I'm obviously paraphrasing, but that was the general take away. FUCK HIM! The reason we're so fucked up is we HAVEN'T adhered to that document for the last 100+ years or more. Some in the Libertarian movement would say it all started with Lincoln and there's some validity to their argument, but if you go back to the beginning of the Progressive movement with Teddy Roosevelt and such, it's when government fell of the tracks and no longer held itself to the Constitution. It felt it was above it and structured itself as such. And because of crisis (WWI, depression, WWII), the People capitulated and complied and when the dust settled, it was too late. The Progressives won. Garet Garret wrote a great series of essays that were put together in a book call "Ex America" describing exactly what happened during the FDR presidency and how it changed the US from a republic to a socialist democracy right under peoples noses and with their consent. Now being that most people today have been brought up in this post-FDR world, we've been taught how wonderful he was and how they, the Progressives, see government and its role. It's not until we break out of the government run institutions of "learning" that we have a choice (and that's key) to know the truth. And the sad fact is, too many people choose not to know. "Two Broke Girls" is on and we can't miss that now, can we?
You wanted the worst and you got the worst. The steamiest pile of shit in the world, BOEHNER! Way to go assholes, way to go.
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