Thursday, April 4, 2013

But it's for the children

I could have used that one on my post yesterday as well, as that phrase is used for pretty much every Statist/Progressive policy put in place. It's also the last refuge of a scoundrel. When backed into a corner, Progressives will whip this one out there and you're supposed to cower. Why? If you don't, "You hate children!"

What I find ironic is they even use this to justify abortion. I may be of the conservative libertarian/classic liberal persuasion, but abortion is taking a life. Sorry if you don't like it, but my blog, my rules. Don't like it, go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself. Like all manner of killing, there are various degrees and levels of "justification". Because you couldn't take a pill, wrap it up, or just not fuck (heaven forbid, right) isn't one of them. If you're dying or they (the baby) are, that's a whole'nother matter. If you were raped, whole'nother matter. But because you couldn't deal with the concept that the primary purpose of sex is procreation, then it sucks to be you, deal with it.
To that end, Progressives, like King Barry I, make the excuse that abortion is okay because that child wouldn't be cared for or loved. Again, "It's for the children." So you're going to kill it because the birthing machine is too much of a fucking loser to take care of something it created? Sure, that makes sense. Somewhere. Maybe. Or not.

Mandatory states sponsored education - It's for the children.
Federally controlled student loads - It's for the children.
Ban on transfats in cooking - It's for the children.
Ban on salt - It's for the children.
Ban on sugary drinks - It's for the children.
Gun bans, magazine bans, ammo bans - It's for the children.
Federal subsidies for failing green energy companies - It's for the children.
Difficulty getting quality porn - It's for the children.
Poorly edited movies on TV - It's for the children.
Hey, hey, HEY!!! Pederast!!! Get back here before I beat you with a bicycle chain.

I have a wonderful daughter that has been the biggest blessing of my life. She's grown now, has a house, a husband, and is thinking of having her own. But when she was growing up, my wife and I were responsible for how she was raised, what she ate, what she watched, where she went and with whom, her education, etc... If some parents aren't doing this, too fucking bad. That's life. Some people suck at it and if they spawn, they will make it sucky for their children. I have a niece that is going to be pretty fucked up because her parents are screwed in the head. Not too much I can do about it, other than maybe be there when she falls.

The concepts of "It's for the children" and "It's for your own good" are simply to control you. The people implementing them believe they know how to live your life better than you and so they're going to pass a law to make sure you do it, making you subservient to them. In this country, we have happily welcomed this because it sounded good:
Seat belt laws
Car seat laws
Helmet laws - motorcycle and bicycle
Drinking ages
Drug laws
Sex laws (prostitution, stripping, etc...) 
All the shit in NYC
State education laws
Warning label laws
And so forth and so on
Somewhere along the way, you voted "Yes" on one of these or agreed with the idea, because you thought "Well yeah, that makes sense. I mean, come on, you've gotta be pretty stupid to go diving in a quarry, so I don't have a problem with it."
First 1, then 2, then 5, then 10, then 1000. It doesn't end.

No one wants children to be harmed when action could be taken to prevent it. But 95 times out of 100, it's because A) The parent is a tard or B) The child is a tard (not literally). As the picture yesterday said, "You can't fix stupid". Your parent tells you not to put your hand on the stove because it's hot. You do. You burn yourself. Should there be a law against hot stoves? Give'em time, they'll make one. But what if you did it again? Sorry, you're a fucking retard! This is the problem we're dealing with and why "It's for the children" is allowed to rule the direction of the country.

Statists think of us as children. They're there to help guide us to what is right, in their eyes. This is the utopia of the Progressive because they never want to grow up. As I mentioned before, they want to remain in that college aged "adolescences" all their lives. Someone else pays for their existence, they get to do whatever they please, and they don't have to do much beyond "making good grades"; I.E., do just enough to get by.

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