Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More crap from the brainless

Back in early January, I posted some thoughts on what I was hearing come out of the mouths of the intellectually challenged in regards to guns.
Since then, we've been treated to more craptastic nuggets of wisdom from the people who believe we're little children and need to be told what to do. Here are some that bring the line to my head "Are you that fucking stupid?"

"40% of all gun sales were made without a background check"
King Barry I uses this line everywhere. You now here it from the bed wetters when they call into talk shows so it's "gone viral." The problem is, it's founded in ancient data that is incredibly flawed. Now, if by some miracle of polling (see the next one for my thoughts on polling), this was accurate, then the number of gun sales since King Barry I first coronation in 2009 is approximately 98,407,468. Over 28 million of which would be without a background check. In 4 years, 28 million guns changed hands in the US without a background check. I don't care which side of the spectrum you fall on, using simple logic, that doesn't even sound right.
I want to say this carefully and clearly, so bear with me.
I don't necessarily have a problem with the concept of a background check system. I don't want violent criminals, the criminally insane, Progressives (kidding, but not), or foreign nationals bent on my demise to be able to acquire the tools easily. They're going to do it if they really want you dead, so don't kid yourself, but I'd like it to be harder for them. I'd also like my penis to be 10" and get hard in a flash, but it's not going to happen so you see where liking things gets me. I think you get the idea.
But the issue with this system is multifaceted:
First it requires the compiling of these records. Who stores them? How accurate are they? Are they reviewed regularly?
Second - With so many things qualifying as a felon that are non-violent (mainly drug charges, but there are others),  what classifies one as "Violent felon"?
Third - Who gets to use this system? If I were personally selling a gun to someone I didn't know all that well (friend of a friend), could I just call up and check this person out? If not, why not?
Fourth - How long are the records for the check itself retained? Are they flushed immediately after? Kept a week, month, year? Who keeps them honest for flushing the information?
Fifth - How else can these records (on both sides) be used?
When you start going down this road, you start risking impeding on the Natural rights of people and that's where you fuck things up. Governments have proven themselves time and again to be less than trustworthy when it comes to the privacy of their citizens. Could this be done by a private business?
Like the majority of things in this country, the sale and transfer of guns should be left to the people and the states, respectively, to determine what is and isn't proper FOR THEM. If Connecticut wants to ban guns, fine. Fuck Connecticut, I won't live there. If you live there and this idea bothers you, leave. You're not a slave to anyone, control your life. If NC wants to do it, then I have a serious problem and will fight tooth and nail to change that.

"Polls show that the number of people owning guns is decreasing."
Polls suck. If I'm called by polling places 100 times a year, I maybe participate in 3 just for shits and giggles. As ya'll know, polls are only as good as the questions they ask or the data source. On top of that, unless you're asking a vast majority of the population, then your sample size is for shit. 2,000 people in a country of 300,000,000 is statistically 0.
On top of this, if someone I don't know asks me if I own guns on the phone, the answer is "No". I'm writing a blog where I'm telling the world I own guns and if someone calls on the phone and asks, I'm telling them to fry ice. So poll numbers don't mean jack.
If the numbers reported by the story up top are true, then over 70 million guns were sold in the US in the last 5 years and remember, this doesn't include sales where a background check call are not legally required by an FFL (In NC, concealed carry holders don't get checked because we're already went through a separate federal check to get the CCW permit). Let's be kind and say 10 million were multiple gun sales to the same person. 60 million people bought guns since the coronation of King Barry I. How many had guns before? How many are new buyers?
The numbers are deceptive and skewed, but if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth, eh?

You hear this one from the people who have tried all other arguments and are grasping at straws:
"Connecticut, New York, Maryland... they all get it right. But then people just go to Virginia or North Carolina or Arizona or Florida and buy guns and bring them back."
So they're violating the law by bring guns into states where they're illegal? They're criminals, right? Okay Sparky, I'll bite...
They're going to get a fake ID that has a clear background within the state they're purchasing, they're going to stand in front of the video cameras that are pointed at every gun counter in every store that sells them, they're going to fill out the 4473 form, wait for a check to be run, then cough up the hundreds of dollars to buy said gun from the store. They're going to do all that to bring the gun BACK into a state where that gun is illegal and kill someone on the street with it. Right... Hey, I have some great property in Southern Florida you need to look at. Water... front property.
Do straw purchases happen? Yup. Do some people lie on the 4473 form? Yup. Take all guns away from "civilians" and that'll solve the problem, right? Nope.
Cops have guns. The military has guns. Theft gets these criminals what they want all the time. They have no problem killing people to get what they want. Do you think they're going to give a shit about a fence? Or the life of a cop? Drug money buys people what they want. Time is on their side because we're defenseless. Gang member with a fake ID joins the military, gets through boot, gets stationed on a US base, kills the armorer, rips off the armory and viola, street gang gets military grade ordinance. Obviously complex, but like I said, time is on their side.
England and Australia are island nations. They all but banned guns and surprisingly, criminals get guns. We have a land border with an all but narco-terrorist nation that mules tons of drugs across our border weekly. Do you think it'll be a stretch for them to move guns across that border? There'd be a black market for them and guess who'd buy them?

As all these state laws go into effect, the tide is turning against the Statists. At least in word. People are getting tired of the crap. And it does look like Magpul will leave Colorado. Beretta has "threatened" to leave Maryland, as have some with Connecticut. Until these actions happen, until the large companies like Sturm Ruger, Colt, Mossberg, or Beretta actually pick up and leave a Statist run state, then it's all talk. But it's nice to hear it.

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