Tuesday, April 23, 2013

We're here to help

Last Tuesday, I was pretty right on when I said, "And so it begins..."
As the world now knows, on Friday, the city of Boston and it's direct suburbs were basically under martial law. Let's not kid ourselves about semantics, because that's what it was. You were not allowed outside your home, you were not allowed on the street, police could search your home without a warrant (at gun point in some cases), police were patrolling the streets with "assault rifles"... actually, let me clarify that, assault rifles, because there was no use of the term "so called" here; these were the real deal, military style rifles, a vast majority with select fire or short barreled, meant strictly for offense. And the people of Boston complied and cheered.

Fucking sheep.

2 animals blew up a bomb, killed three, injured hundreds and the city goes into lock down. Yet for 30 years or more, the "Irish Mob" killed more people than that on a Saturday every week and they did as they pleased. That's a Thursday night in Chicago nowadays and people sigh. Hourly, our soldiers are ordered to do this overseas as well as are victims of this and people want to watch "Dancing With The Stars".

I'd say I want to move away from this insanity, but I don't have the money or speak the language anywhere else to move there.

People are getting into heated arguments over the actions taken by government Friday. So many people think it was wonderful and The Book Of Face was littered with all these "Go Boston!" items praising the police actions. The "2013 Hide & Seek Champions", et al... Of course, it was a home owner who, when "allowed" to go outside, saw something weird with his boat and low and behold, douchenozzle was in there.
"They had to do something!"
"It was just one day. What's the big deal?"
"He was a terrorist and we had to use every means necessary to find him!"
"I didn't do anything wrong, so I didn't have anything to worry about."
"If this happened in your city, you'd want the same thing to happen!" - Oh that one's rich.
And it's cousin I saw on a YouTube video: "If he was in your house, holding your family hostage, you'd want the police to search and wouldn't care about a warrant."
Really, fuckstick? No, I wouldn't because the asshole would be dead in the doorframe with 2+ .40S&W hollow point rounds in his torso. I'd be calling the police over to get him out before the flies started swarming.
And then, in the process of detaining this US citizen, he wasn't read his rights, which could mean he walks on a technicality. The RINO's charged and demanded he be held as an "enemy combatant". People shrugged and said, "He's a terrorist. Too bad." "This is a war on terror and the battlefield is everywhere."
Oceania is at war with Eurasia, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia

Yesterday, Prince Michael of Nanytown declared that the Constitution needs to be reinterpreted. Last week, the CISPA bill passed the US House, sneaking under the flood of news reports about the Boston bombing. After the people control bills failed in the Senate, King Barry I stomped his feet in the Rose Garden and proclaimed that he'd use executive orders to get his way.

There's a few old statements that are becoming more and more true.
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
"It may seem like a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean it's not happening."
"Those who give up liberty for security will get and deserve neither."
Paraphrased that last one.

I don't believe this was a "False Flag" or these guys were setup or this was CIA mind control or any of that other shit. I believe these were two wackjobs who believe the murderous tenants of radical Islamists and thought they were doing their part of the holy jihad. But just like Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tuscon, Aurora, Sandy Hook or going back to the Roaring 20's, when government sees the opportunity to control the populace due to the violence created by a minute set of individuals, they're going to do it. Our founders warned the newly free people of this and we didn't listen.
"Power, once granted, will be used."

The paint is peeling off the walls.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

And so it begins...

The third person wasn't dead yet and already the Progressives were blaming "right wing extremists" on the Boston Marathon bombing. And the tin-foil hat crowd were already calling this a "False Flag" and it was a staged bombing by the .GOV black ops groups.
I had been working on another post but obviously the actions from yesterday sort of change your mindset and priority.

We knew this would happen. Sorry, but no matter where you are, evil people exist and commit horrendous acts and there is pretty much nothing you can do about it. Even in the most extreme of police states, acts like this happen.
Could it be a "right-wing extremist"? Yes
Could it be a government operation? Yes
Could it be a religious extremist of the Muslim persuasion? Yes
Could it be a local gang member with a beef? Yes
Could it be a narco-syndicate trying to terrorize the people of Boston? Yes
Could it be a 80 year old who hated the world and wanted to go out with other people? Yes
Could it be a sociopath who "...just wanted to watch the world burn"? Yes
Because we don't know anything, it is 100% speculation right now. BUT... that doesn't mean the ramifications of this won't be deep and wide.
Last night, Rep Peter King already made calls for spending on surveillance and intelligence gathering.
The White House said that security needs to be increased.
The DHS is already being seen in more and more cities and this will increase their presence and intrusion.

Life in a free country is difficult and painful. People will die from the hatred and ignorance of others. People will die from their own stupidity. Companies will fail, causing widespread suffering to many people, possible around the world. But to turn to government for the answers to these issues has never ended well.

Last night, as with all night, I prayed to HaShem (Hebrew for "The Name" - a way that Jews refer to The Sovereign without calling Him by name. In the South, there is a respect for elders that's still generally being taught and because you don't know these people personally, you call them "Mr./Miss First Name". Consider HaShem to be the same respect to Him). I felt a pain rise up in me because we've taken this wonderful creation He's given us and made a mess of it. We've taken the freest country on Earth, never before seen, created by men who believed they were following His guidance, and brought it right back around to be just like the rest of the world, which means it'll suck ass. And as tears formed in my eyes, asking Him to be with those who were directly hurt by this despicable act, I also asked Him to have mercy on us for our ignorance.

Friday, April 5, 2013

JPFP: Why Jews Hate Guns

And excellent piece by Rabbi Dovid Bendory at the Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership.
It’s no secret that one of the largest blocs of people pressing for so-called “gun control” is the culturally (aka not-so-religious) American Jewish community. This confounds many observers who would expect that Jews, with such a stunning history of oppression and murder by humanity’s villains, would cling tenaciously to personal firearms and the ability to protect themselves as the Hebrew Scriptures instruct.
In reaction to the Holocaust, American Jews adopted the phrase “Never Again!” If actions mean anything, they don’t believe it. That’s for someone else to do. How do Jews expect to put teeth behind the words “Never Again!” if not with the ability to apply and project personal force when righteous -- and necessary -- for survival?
Why then do so many American Jews hate guns and fear gun ownership so much?
Our research identifies ten reasons why these Jews feel the way they do about self defense in general, firearms specifically and your own right to keep and bear arms.
Whole piece here...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

But it's for the children

I could have used that one on my post yesterday as well, as that phrase is used for pretty much every Statist/Progressive policy put in place. It's also the last refuge of a scoundrel. When backed into a corner, Progressives will whip this one out there and you're supposed to cower. Why? If you don't, "You hate children!"

What I find ironic is they even use this to justify abortion. I may be of the conservative libertarian/classic liberal persuasion, but abortion is taking a life. Sorry if you don't like it, but my blog, my rules. Don't like it, go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself. Like all manner of killing, there are various degrees and levels of "justification". Because you couldn't take a pill, wrap it up, or just not fuck (heaven forbid, right) isn't one of them. If you're dying or they (the baby) are, that's a whole'nother matter. If you were raped, whole'nother matter. But because you couldn't deal with the concept that the primary purpose of sex is procreation, then it sucks to be you, deal with it.
To that end, Progressives, like King Barry I, make the excuse that abortion is okay because that child wouldn't be cared for or loved. Again, "It's for the children." So you're going to kill it because the birthing machine is too much of a fucking loser to take care of something it created? Sure, that makes sense. Somewhere. Maybe. Or not.

Mandatory states sponsored education - It's for the children.
Federally controlled student loads - It's for the children.
Ban on transfats in cooking - It's for the children.
Ban on salt - It's for the children.
Ban on sugary drinks - It's for the children.
Gun bans, magazine bans, ammo bans - It's for the children.
Federal subsidies for failing green energy companies - It's for the children.
Difficulty getting quality porn - It's for the children.
Poorly edited movies on TV - It's for the children.
Hey, hey, HEY!!! Pederast!!! Get back here before I beat you with a bicycle chain.

I have a wonderful daughter that has been the biggest blessing of my life. She's grown now, has a house, a husband, and is thinking of having her own. But when she was growing up, my wife and I were responsible for how she was raised, what she ate, what she watched, where she went and with whom, her education, etc... If some parents aren't doing this, too fucking bad. That's life. Some people suck at it and if they spawn, they will make it sucky for their children. I have a niece that is going to be pretty fucked up because her parents are screwed in the head. Not too much I can do about it, other than maybe be there when she falls.

The concepts of "It's for the children" and "It's for your own good" are simply to control you. The people implementing them believe they know how to live your life better than you and so they're going to pass a law to make sure you do it, making you subservient to them. In this country, we have happily welcomed this because it sounded good:
Seat belt laws
Car seat laws
Helmet laws - motorcycle and bicycle
Drinking ages
Drug laws
Sex laws (prostitution, stripping, etc...) 
All the shit in NYC
State education laws
Warning label laws
And so forth and so on
Somewhere along the way, you voted "Yes" on one of these or agreed with the idea, because you thought "Well yeah, that makes sense. I mean, come on, you've gotta be pretty stupid to go diving in a quarry, so I don't have a problem with it."
First 1, then 2, then 5, then 10, then 1000. It doesn't end.

No one wants children to be harmed when action could be taken to prevent it. But 95 times out of 100, it's because A) The parent is a tard or B) The child is a tard (not literally). As the picture yesterday said, "You can't fix stupid". Your parent tells you not to put your hand on the stove because it's hot. You do. You burn yourself. Should there be a law against hot stoves? Give'em time, they'll make one. But what if you did it again? Sorry, you're a fucking retard! This is the problem we're dealing with and why "It's for the children" is allowed to rule the direction of the country.

Statists think of us as children. They're there to help guide us to what is right, in their eyes. This is the utopia of the Progressive because they never want to grow up. As I mentioned before, they want to remain in that college aged "adolescences" all their lives. Someone else pays for their existence, they get to do whatever they please, and they don't have to do much beyond "making good grades"; I.E., do just enough to get by.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More crap from the brainless

Back in early January, I posted some thoughts on what I was hearing come out of the mouths of the intellectually challenged in regards to guns.
Since then, we've been treated to more craptastic nuggets of wisdom from the people who believe we're little children and need to be told what to do. Here are some that bring the line to my head "Are you that fucking stupid?"

"40% of all gun sales were made without a background check"
King Barry I uses this line everywhere. You now here it from the bed wetters when they call into talk shows so it's "gone viral." The problem is, it's founded in ancient data that is incredibly flawed. Now, if by some miracle of polling (see the next one for my thoughts on polling), this was accurate, then the number of gun sales since King Barry I first coronation in 2009 is approximately 98,407,468. Over 28 million of which would be without a background check. In 4 years, 28 million guns changed hands in the US without a background check. I don't care which side of the spectrum you fall on, using simple logic, that doesn't even sound right.
I want to say this carefully and clearly, so bear with me.
I don't necessarily have a problem with the concept of a background check system. I don't want violent criminals, the criminally insane, Progressives (kidding, but not), or foreign nationals bent on my demise to be able to acquire the tools easily. They're going to do it if they really want you dead, so don't kid yourself, but I'd like it to be harder for them. I'd also like my penis to be 10" and get hard in a flash, but it's not going to happen so you see where liking things gets me. I think you get the idea.
But the issue with this system is multifaceted:
First it requires the compiling of these records. Who stores them? How accurate are they? Are they reviewed regularly?
Second - With so many things qualifying as a felon that are non-violent (mainly drug charges, but there are others),  what classifies one as "Violent felon"?
Third - Who gets to use this system? If I were personally selling a gun to someone I didn't know all that well (friend of a friend), could I just call up and check this person out? If not, why not?
Fourth - How long are the records for the check itself retained? Are they flushed immediately after? Kept a week, month, year? Who keeps them honest for flushing the information?
Fifth - How else can these records (on both sides) be used?
When you start going down this road, you start risking impeding on the Natural rights of people and that's where you fuck things up. Governments have proven themselves time and again to be less than trustworthy when it comes to the privacy of their citizens. Could this be done by a private business?
Like the majority of things in this country, the sale and transfer of guns should be left to the people and the states, respectively, to determine what is and isn't proper FOR THEM. If Connecticut wants to ban guns, fine. Fuck Connecticut, I won't live there. If you live there and this idea bothers you, leave. You're not a slave to anyone, control your life. If NC wants to do it, then I have a serious problem and will fight tooth and nail to change that.

"Polls show that the number of people owning guns is decreasing."
Polls suck. If I'm called by polling places 100 times a year, I maybe participate in 3 just for shits and giggles. As ya'll know, polls are only as good as the questions they ask or the data source. On top of that, unless you're asking a vast majority of the population, then your sample size is for shit. 2,000 people in a country of 300,000,000 is statistically 0.
On top of this, if someone I don't know asks me if I own guns on the phone, the answer is "No". I'm writing a blog where I'm telling the world I own guns and if someone calls on the phone and asks, I'm telling them to fry ice. So poll numbers don't mean jack.
If the numbers reported by the story up top are true, then over 70 million guns were sold in the US in the last 5 years and remember, this doesn't include sales where a background check call are not legally required by an FFL (In NC, concealed carry holders don't get checked because we're already went through a separate federal check to get the CCW permit). Let's be kind and say 10 million were multiple gun sales to the same person. 60 million people bought guns since the coronation of King Barry I. How many had guns before? How many are new buyers?
The numbers are deceptive and skewed, but if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth, eh?

You hear this one from the people who have tried all other arguments and are grasping at straws:
"Connecticut, New York, Maryland... they all get it right. But then people just go to Virginia or North Carolina or Arizona or Florida and buy guns and bring them back."
So they're violating the law by bring guns into states where they're illegal? They're criminals, right? Okay Sparky, I'll bite...
They're going to get a fake ID that has a clear background within the state they're purchasing, they're going to stand in front of the video cameras that are pointed at every gun counter in every store that sells them, they're going to fill out the 4473 form, wait for a check to be run, then cough up the hundreds of dollars to buy said gun from the store. They're going to do all that to bring the gun BACK into a state where that gun is illegal and kill someone on the street with it. Right... Hey, I have some great property in Southern Florida you need to look at. Water... front property.
Do straw purchases happen? Yup. Do some people lie on the 4473 form? Yup. Take all guns away from "civilians" and that'll solve the problem, right? Nope.
Cops have guns. The military has guns. Theft gets these criminals what they want all the time. They have no problem killing people to get what they want. Do you think they're going to give a shit about a fence? Or the life of a cop? Drug money buys people what they want. Time is on their side because we're defenseless. Gang member with a fake ID joins the military, gets through boot, gets stationed on a US base, kills the armorer, rips off the armory and viola, street gang gets military grade ordinance. Obviously complex, but like I said, time is on their side.
England and Australia are island nations. They all but banned guns and surprisingly, criminals get guns. We have a land border with an all but narco-terrorist nation that mules tons of drugs across our border weekly. Do you think it'll be a stretch for them to move guns across that border? There'd be a black market for them and guess who'd buy them?

As all these state laws go into effect, the tide is turning against the Statists. At least in word. People are getting tired of the crap. And it does look like Magpul will leave Colorado. Beretta has "threatened" to leave Maryland, as have some with Connecticut. Until these actions happen, until the large companies like Sturm Ruger, Colt, Mossberg, or Beretta actually pick up and leave a Statist run state, then it's all talk. But it's nice to hear it.