As the world now knows, on Friday, the city of Boston and it's direct suburbs were basically under martial law. Let's not kid ourselves about semantics, because that's what it was. You were not allowed outside your home, you were not allowed on the street, police could search your home without a warrant (at gun point in some cases), police were patrolling the streets with "assault rifles"... actually, let me clarify that, assault rifles, because there was no use of the term "so called" here; these were the real deal, military style rifles, a vast majority with select fire or short barreled, meant strictly for offense. And the people of Boston complied and cheered.
Fucking sheep.
2 animals blew up a bomb, killed three, injured hundreds and the city goes into lock down. Yet for 30 years or more, the "Irish Mob" killed more people than that on a Saturday every week and they did as they pleased. That's a Thursday night in Chicago nowadays and people sigh. Hourly, our soldiers are ordered to do this overseas as well as are victims of this and people want to watch "Dancing With The Stars".
I'd say I want to move away from this insanity, but I don't have the money or speak the language anywhere else to move there.
People are getting into heated arguments over the actions taken by government Friday. So many people think it was wonderful and The Book Of Face was littered with all these "Go Boston!" items praising the police actions. The "2013 Hide & Seek Champions", et al... Of course, it was a home owner who, when "allowed" to go outside, saw something weird with his boat and low and behold, douchenozzle was in there.
"They had to do something!"
"It was just one day. What's the big deal?"
"He was a terrorist and we had to use every means necessary to find him!"
"I didn't do anything wrong, so I didn't have anything to worry about."
"If this happened in your city, you'd want the same thing to happen!" - Oh that one's rich.
And it's cousin I saw on a YouTube video: "If he was in your house, holding your family hostage, you'd want the police to search and wouldn't care about a warrant."
Really, fuckstick? No, I wouldn't because the asshole would be dead in the doorframe with 2+ .40S&W hollow point rounds in his torso. I'd be calling the police over to get him out before the flies started swarming.
And then, in the process of detaining this US citizen, he wasn't read his rights, which could mean he walks on a technicality. The RINO's charged and demanded he be held as an "enemy combatant". People shrugged and said, "He's a terrorist. Too bad." "This is a war on terror and the battlefield is everywhere."
Oceania is at war with Eurasia, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia
Yesterday, Prince Michael of Nanytown declared that the Constitution needs to be reinterpreted. Last week, the CISPA bill passed the US House, sneaking under the flood of news reports about the Boston bombing. After the people control bills failed in the Senate, King Barry I stomped his feet in the Rose Garden and proclaimed that he'd use executive orders to get his way.
There's a few old statements that are becoming more and more true.
"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you."
"It may seem like a conspiracy, but that doesn't mean it's not happening."
"Those who give up liberty for security will get and deserve neither."
Paraphrased that last one.
I don't believe this was a "False Flag" or these guys were setup or this was CIA mind control or any of that other shit. I believe these were two wackjobs who believe the murderous tenants of radical Islamists and thought they were doing their part of the holy jihad. But just like Columbine, Virginia Tech, Tuscon, Aurora, Sandy Hook or going back to the Roaring 20's, when government sees the opportunity to control the populace due to the violence created by a minute set of individuals, they're going to do it. Our founders warned the newly free people of this and we didn't listen.
"Power, once granted, will be used."
The paint is peeling off the walls.